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Civic Engagement
Ensuring Access to the Ballot through Early & Election Day Voting
No one has more skin in the game than us.
With every door we knock on, every event we host, every text we send, every phone number we dial, we have a mission: help people of color make our democracy work for them. When we spoke with people on their front porches in 2022, we discovered that most of them wanted to make their voices heard but simply lacked know-how. That's no accident. From the moment of our emancipation, withholding this knowledge has maintained racial exclusion.
Political mythology that portrays people of color as disengaged ignores the deep history of suppression. The truth is that no one has more skin in the game than people of color- literally. As we traveled throughout North Carolina, BIPOC voters everywhere implored us to help them understand how their local governments work and what they can do to make a difference.
NNCP's civic engagement programs help people of color mobilize around issues that matter most to them, the ones that will impact their inner circles and everyday life. Whether we're rising up for affordable housing or maternal healthcare, we're transforming neglected voters into invested voters.
Register before the deadlines
Oct. 11, 2024, for the general election on Nov. 5, 2024.
Understand the new voter photo ID requirement
- Know what forms of ID are acceptable
- Learn how you can get a free photo ID
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